Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Rummage Sale Fun

For a few weeks in the month of April, I decided to spend my community service hours helping a nearby church with their annual rummage sale. I found them through an ad on craigslist needed for volunteers at Northwest Suburban's largest sale. It seemed like a big task at first, but I thought it was the right was to spend my time. I really enjoyed working with the members of the church and other volunteers there. Everyone was so nice and helpful. The first day of training, I was taught where everything in the church was being organized, and introduced to every department head. For the first week, we mostly spent our time arranging all the items that we had and setting up the departments. The second week we spent most of our time organizing the departments and pricing items so they're ready for the sale. During the last week, I was able to get early access to the sale, and buy some things before the public could. I bought a really nice monitor someone had donated, and a desk chair. After the sale went on, as chaotic as it was, we had to start cleaning up. We spent the last few days cleaning and bagging the leftover things for donation. You wouldn't believe the amount of clothes that we had leftover. Overall, it was a really great experience to be able to spend my time working with this church. I made a lot of friends with the other volunteers and felt like I genuinely made an impact on the sale. I now hope to do more community hours over the summer, too!

Main Hall, SC, 2017

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